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Log Construction Manual: The Ultimate Guide to Building Handcrafted Log Homes, by Robert Wood Chambers
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The Log Construction Manual tells you what you need to know to build your own handcrafted log home shell. This is a comprehensive and thorough guide to how to scribe-fit logs to each other, cut notches, and build roof support systems of large, round, naturally-shaped logs.
The Log Construction Manual is packed with information that is available nowhere else — including the Log Selection Rules, Chambers' brilliant and simple method for choosing which log to use next; detailed instructions for building handcrafted log roof trusses; step-by-step directions for laying out sill logs for any design or floor plan; how to cut state-of-the-art compression-fit saddle notches; methods to keep notches and grooves tight over time; allowing for settling and shrinkage of log walls; scribing tips that pro's use; and much more.
- Sales Rank: #175195 in Books
- Brand: Brand: Deep Stream Press
- Published on: 2002-10
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: .68" h x 8.56" w x 10.74" l,
- Binding: Paperback
- 272 pages
- Used Book in Good Condition
"An indispensible guide for those who are going to build . . . by the leading log building instructor in North America." -- Log Home Living Magazine
"An indispensible guide for those who are going to build . . . by perhaps the leading log building instructor in North America." -- Log Home Living Magazine
"Fantastic ! Chambers casts light into some of the darkest corners of log building. Buy it. Read it." Bill Olsen -- Log Building News
"Fantastic! In one book Chambers casts light into some of the darkest corners of log building. Buy it. Read it." -- Log Building News
From the Publisher
The Log Construction Manual has been the best-selling log-home how-to book since it was first published in 2002. This 2006 edition has a section of color photos, and updated black and white photos throughout. Hundreds of photos and drawings compliment the clear and easy-to-read information that Chambers provides to beginners and experienced log builders.
From the Author
I have written the Log Construction Manual as a textbook for learning the trade of handcrafted, scribe-fit, log construction. It is used by log building trade schools throughout the world, but is written for people who want to build or help-build their own log home. My book clearly explains what you need to do to build the walls and roof of scribe-fit log homes.
Most helpful customer reviews
77 of 77 people found the following review helpful.
The State-of-the-Art
By Empire Builder
I just finished reading this book, and I have to say that it is head-and-shoulders above every other log home construction book I've read. The illustrations are superb, and the tone of the text is very objective and factual. In contrast to books with the "this is how I've been building log homes for XXX years" attitude, Chambers' approach is "I didn't invent it, but so far this is the best way I've found to do this particular task. If I find somebody else doing it a better way in the future I'll start doing it that way." Chambers not only isn't afraid of not-invented-here ideas, he positively embraces them! There is even a chapter on the structural engineering of log trusses, written by a structural engineer (fancy that).
Chambers also covers the subject comprehensively, from the highest-level ideas (his chapter on settling is fascinating) to the lower-level details (proper chainsaw stance for cutting the lateral groove, for instance).
Let me contrast this a bit with Mackie's "Owner-Built Log Home". Mackie's book is a good read, because he's a terrific wordsmith and he really conveys the pleasure of building your own log home. But his illustrations aren't nearly as clear as Chambers', and he tends to write for an audience that already understands a lot of wood joinery terminology and procedures. "Then we did this, and this, and this," and I'm like, "whoa, did you skip a few steps there?" I often found myself re-reading a page several times because I just couldn't envision what he was doing in my mind's eye. Chambers never leaves you wondering.
I think both books have a place on your bookshelf, but if you really want to learn the most hands-on information in a single book, this is the one.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Log Construction Manual: The Ultimate Guide to Building Handcrafted Log Homes
By Ken T. Chow
Log Construction Manual: The Ultimate Guide to Building Handcrafted Log Homes is an excellent book. lots of details and great narration. I am building my own log house. the information is very informative.
12 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
In need of update
By Douglas Sky
This is an excellent "Manual". Most all the info you need if you want to build a hand scribed round log cabin,but no color pictures. If your looking for technical building info this is your book. I bought almost every book available on log homes building and I wouldn't be with out this if you plan to build one yourself. Not much on house plans or pic's though.
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